Platform Specific Requirements
The SDK is available for iOS and Android platforms. There are some specific requirements for each platform and these are detailed below.
SQLCipher is the SQLite database extension. It means that the default SQLite libraries provided by iOS APIs cannot be used in the same application, as this will cause unexpected behaviour. However, the provided SQLCipher libraries can be used by an integrating application for database access. The Payment Device SDK requires a password during initialisation of its own database but an empty password can be used for an unencrypted database used within the integrating application.
SQLCipher is required for the SDK to compile and run. The iOS SDK has the sqlicipher library and dependencies included in the release package, while in Android this must be included via Gradle by placing the following line in the applications dependencies:
compile 'net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:4.5.3@aar'
Unlike other supported PIN pads the ID TECH VP3350 requires the ID TECH SDK to be added to the project in order for it to function. The ChipDNA Mobile SDK is supplied with the supported version of the ID TECH SDK.
In the Android release this can be found at libs/Universal_SDK_1.00.177_os.jar
In the iOS release this can be found at ChipDnaMobile/IDTech.xcframework
iOS also requires the inclusion of the ID TECH bundle which can be found at ChipDnaMobile/IDTech.bundle
. To link this to your project add the bundle under Copy Bundle resources.
Similarly to ID TECH VP3350 the BBPOS CHB30 requires the BBPOS SDKs to be added to the project in order for it to function. The ChipDNA Mobile SDK is supplied with the supported version of the BBPOS SDKs.
In the Android release this can be found at libs/bbdevice-android-3.29.1.jar
and libs/bbdeviceota-android-1.6.28.jar
In the iOS release this can be found at ChipDnaMobile/BBDeviceOTA-1.6.13.xcframework
and ChipDnaMobile/BBDevice-BT-3.27.0.xcframework

A list of protocol strings must be presented by the application to enable the Payment Device SDK to communicate with an individual PIN pad. The following string must be added to the UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols
property of an application’s Info.plist
- To use the Miura Shuttlecom.idtechproducts.neo
- To use the ID TECH VP3350

The “external-accessory” string must be added to the UIBackgroundModes
property of an application’s Info.plist
The libraries CoreLocation
, CoreData
, ExternalAccessory
, MessageUI
, SystemConfiguration
, Security
, AVFoundation
, MediaPlayer
, CoreAudio
, AudioToolbox
and CoreBluetooth
should be added to the application target's linked libraries as they are used by the SDK.
Libraries libsqlite3.dylib
or libsqlite3.0.dylib
, if present, should be removed from the linked libraries, as the database library provided with the SQLCipher libraries will be used instead.
Build settings should be changed to include Other C Flags
And Other Linker Flags
To use the Payment Device SDK in a Swift project add the SDK files to your project in the usual way. Then create a new header file to use as a bridge header by going ‘File >> New >> File’
and selecting to create a new ‘.h’ file. In the new header file add import statements for all ‘.h’ files in the SDK.
Once the files are imported in the bridge header, select your project file from the navigation menu in Xcode. Under ‘Build Settings’ change the viewing option from ‘Basic’
to ‘All’
and scroll down to the ‘Swift Compiler – Code Generation’
section. Then set the ‘Objective-C Bridging Header’
value to the path of your newly created bridge header file.
For more information on using Objective-C code in a swift project please refer to the Apple documentation.

Android has been designed such that no application, by default, has permission to perform any operations that would adversely affect the operating system or the user. Therefore, to utilise the complete API the following permissions must be granted:
- allows read only access to the phone state and is used to obtain a unique identifier for the mobile device required for a configuration update and to read the IMSI from the SIM to verify the Home Network Identity.BLUETOOTH
- allows applications to connect to Bluetooth devices.BLUETOOTH_SCAN
(SDK versions 31 and above) - allows applications to connect to Bluetooth devices.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
(SDK versions 23 and above) andACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
(SDK versions 30 and above) - allows applications to scan for and connect to Bluetooth Low Energy devices.INTERNET
- allows applications to open network sockets.
feature - should be included and set to false, prevents the devices without telephony from being filtered out on Google
feature - should be set in Applications planning to use a USB connection to prevent the application being shown to devices without USB on the Google Play store.
The Android SDK also requires the following dependencies to be linked in order to compile and run. You can do this by adding the following to the application dependencies block in the build.gradle
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.8.0'
implementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.8.0'
implementation 'net.zetetic:android-database-sqlcipher:4.5.3@aar'
implementation 'androidx.sqlite:sqlite:2.0.1'
implementation 'com.jakewharton.timber:timber:4.7.1'
More information about adding kotlin to existing projects can be found in the Android documentation here:

Below is an example ProGuard configuration for excluding the Payment Device SDK binaries from obfuscation.
-keep class net.sqlcipher.** { *; }
-keep class net.sqlcipher.database.* { *; }
-libraryjars /libs/ChipDnaMobile.jar
-libraryjars /libs/CardEaseXMLClient.jar
-libraryjars /libs/Universal_SDK_1.00.173_os.jar
-libraryjars /libs/bbdevice-android-3.29.1.jar
-libraryjars /libs/bbdeviceota-android-1.6.28.jar
-keep class com.creditcall.** {
Updated 7 days ago