Appendix 4 - App Submission
Before Submission
Before your application is released, TMS settings for that application identifier should be confirmed. This includes settings like the receipt source, whether the digital signature is supported, etc.
IOS App Store Submission
The applications submitted to AppStore go through the review process. There are several things to be aware of to ensure that the application is approved quickly without rejections.
Protocol strings should be reviewed before submitting an application. Only the supported accessories’ protocol strings should be declared. Review notes should include the MFi Product Plan ID for the supported accessory. The manufacturer of the accessory will also need to register your application as using that specific accessory. You should contact the manufacturer of the accessory to arrange this.
Either a user guide or a video demonstrating how to use the application should be provided in the review notes. It is not currently possible to upload these resources directly to the iTunes Connect, as such, an external link should be provided, with the credentials to access the resources, if needed.
Review notes should also include test account credentials to ensure that the application can be tested.
PIN pads do not have to be provided for testing. They are available for Apple through the MFi program from the manufacturers.
Google Play Store Submission
An application can be submitted as normal through Google Play. However, in submitting an application you confirm that you have complied with the relevant export compliance laws. As such, the relevant forms should still be filled in.
Export Compliance
The Payment Device SDKs for both iOS and Android use SQLCipher. As encryption is used, the application is subject to export compliance with iOS AppStore and Android Google Play. This section explains how to obtain an encryption registration and how to submit an application which uses encryption.
If the application will only be distributed in the USA and/or Canada, the encryption registration is not required. However, during an iOS application upload, it should still be declared that an application uses encryption. Application metadata should be set correctly to only USA and/or Canada to ensure that the registration does not need to be submitted.
If the application is distributed in any other country, the encryption registration is required. This is the case even if the application is not distributed in the USA. This is because the app stores are based in the USA.
If the application is distributed in France, additional registration for export compliance in France might be required. Registration is not required for the banking applications.
_According to the French regulation (décret 2007/663, annexe 1, cat3), banking applications are not subject to declaration. (Last Accessed Oct 2018)
Please use this as a guide only. If your application has any additional functionality it might influence the export registration or the approval from the AppStore. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application complies with all regulations in all regions where your application will be distributed.
Please also refer to the FAQ on iTunes Connect or Google Play Store support, as they have a section on export compliance as well.
Updated 7 days ago